Monday, June 29, 2015


There's this thing that's been bothering me since we read Phantom of the Opera in English class last year. Other people seemed to be fine with it but I wasn't, and I didn't say anything about it because I was confused I guess. I don't usually think about it but it still bothers me when I do. They had the thing with inner and outer realities: Erik believes he will never be accepted by society, while actually people would accept him if they got to know him. The concept of there being an "outer reality" is something I can't take. I went along with it in school because that's what you have to do in school. You don't argue. There is no such thing as an "outer reality" separate from all human belief and bias. The only reality I have to measure against Erik's is my own. And by calling my reality an "outer reality", I basically just selfishly, insensitively, ignorantly, narrow-mindedly assert MY reality as more valid, true, real than Erik's, or anyone else's. Maybe there's an average reality that somewhat applies for some people, but in taking an average you're failing to represent the wide range of people with different outlooks on life. And even then, what does "average" even mean? You can't average people like numbers. And the average person doesn't exist. Even the most typical person would deviate from the mean in some significant way(s). It irks me how everyone just went along with inner reality and outer reality. I'm sure some people probably see things in terms of inner and outer reality in real life too, not just with fictional characters such as Erik. Someone will see someone else who, idk, believes a different religion and be like "oh, that poor person is so trapped in his inner reality that he doesn't see the reality of things," when really it should be something more like "That person's reality is different from mine" and that is okay because people are different. It doesn't mean you have to agree with them but it would do you some good if you would admit that your reality is not the standard for being correct. I watch people talking about other people like they're misguided and lost and delusional. Yeah, maybe they are. But I'll never know will I? All I can do is speculate about my own life and about others. I choose to believe certain things, and I acknowledge that there's a chance I might be wrong, but I'm willing to accept that chance and place my bet on what I believe.

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