This game is perfect in every way. The first time I saw it, you know when it used to be all popular and stuff, when I first saw it it was like OMG MAGICAL. The music! is amazing!!! I have no idea what the lyrics even mean as a whole, but the individual small bits and pieces of it just come to me through the drunken gaming crazy fog I have, like "LIVE IN HARMONY HARMONY OH LOVE" "ALWAYS I WANNA BE WITH YOU" "JUMP INTO THE OCEAN" "OPEN YOUR EYES" "WEAR NO DISGUISE FOR ME" "MAKE BELIEVE WITH YOU" "MELTING THE ICE FOR ME" "WHEN ITS COLD OUTSIDE AM I HERE IN VAIN"
I mean it's about a unicorn. Unicorns are symbols of purity and truth and innocence and love. The type of love a child has which is pure and unconditional and true. That sort of magical thing. Unicorns as a concept are so amazing. They can tell truth from falsehood, they can purify people, they can heal people. They're symbols of something lost that people frantically try to find. People don't feel whole. People feel lost. People are wounded. People are broken.
I have this book, A Glory of Unicorns compiled and edited by Bruce Coville, yes Bruce Coville who must have like specialized in writing unicorn books or something. This guy was really obsessed with unicorns. The book is one of my favorite books and people just don't understand it. It's a compilation of short stories about unicorns and they're all so good. To be honest, I don't really like Bruce Coville's writing style, but I like his ideas, and after the preface and first story there's no more of him. Anyways, the stories in the book are all about unicorns who... well, I'm trying to think what the recurring theme is. There is a wide range of themes. In one story the unicorn kind of represents reality and he teaches the main character to be independent. In another story the unicorn represents innocence and love, and he lives inside the heart of this old grandmother who tells her granddaughter the story of how the unicorn saved her from the nightmares and problems of the real world. And in yet another story the unicorn was being cared for by an ungrateful, cold, and insulting girl, and yet the unicorn still loved her and actually helped her to become a better person. I think the recurring theme might be that the unicorns always heal somebody or help somebody. They give back a part of somebody that they may or may not have known was missing. Isn't it beautiful?
I am fascinated by the idea of unicorns. They're everything missing. Don't you wish they were real? ;)
Robot Unicorn Attack. This game. A unicorn. In this game you're a unicorn. Running, leaping, flying. Dashing through stars in fiery explosions, going faster and faster, but every time, you hit a wall and fall and fail. You try again, running harder. You hit a wall and fall and fail. You're this unicorn, you are purity and truth and innocence and love. All you want is to live in harmony, harmony.. oh, love! Wear no disguise for me, you say. Open your eyes, you say. Show your true self, and let me love you, you say. You keep running. The tears fall. Melting the ice for me. We are all trapped in ice. The ice numbs and there is no feeling. You are a unicorn, don't you feel frustrated that people won't open up themselves and allow themselves to be vulnerable... but free? It's a sacrifice, yes, I suppose, to give up the only real protection we have, that shield of icy ignorant unfeeling. But how else do we find the real truth beyond the cold?
This is how I feel when I play Robot Unicorn Attack. I play it when I just can't be satisfied with life. There are expectations and responsibilities and obligations that I have to keep up with, that I try to keep up with, that I utterly fail to keep up with, and then I feel sad and useless and frustrated with myself. Then I play this game and remind myself of what's important. I want to help people. I'm no perfect unicorn though. I fail, I hit the walls and fall. That's fine though. The fact that I get hurt and feel emotions and fail, that is how I know that I am alive.
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