Saturday, May 9, 2015

Daily Challenge 5/9/15

In my dream life, there would be no need to fear anything. Without fear, I'd be able to reach out and do all of the things I want to do but am afraid to do. In my dream life I'd value every second and minute that passes and use it to do something meaningful. Now, I can't do that yet. I like to pretend time doesn't exist. But it does. In my dream life I'd never turn down a free cookie. In my dream life, I'd know exactly what to say to make people feel better, but right now I don't know and instead I kind of sit there going like "It's ok you're going to be fine." or "I'm sorry." I'd be able to gather my thoughts and make real art, not like whatever crap I'm producing now. I'd be able to express exactly how I feel in few words. I wouldn't waste my words. I'd make every word I say matter. And yet I'd still be able to joke around and have fun. In my dream life I'd actually be good at helping people. In my dream life I'd be hardworking and passionate. In my dream life I wouldn't be addicted to the internet. The internet ruins my life. In my dream life I wouldn't even procrastinate. And when I say that, I don't mean just school work and stuff. I mean... like Vi Hart put it,
 …people often say, "maybe I’ll write a book some day," or "some day I'll do a huge composition project." The time is now to do things. So if you have something you think maybe you’ll do someday , what better time is there than now? Life is now! Not . . . when I graduate, or when I’m done with a midterm. Life will always keep coming at you. You’ve just got to do what you want to do! And there is the time, even if it’s only a little bit. You always have enough time to do something if you really want to.
In my dream life I'd actually finish what I start, instead of having like a million abandoned projects lying around. In my dream life I'd know Jesus better and be able to understand deeply what I read from the gospels instead of reading a passage and then rereading it like 100 times in an attempt to get a better feel for it. In my dream life I'd actually try harder to read the Bible while these days most days I don't even look at it. Before bed I sometimes will read a bit but since I'm always procrastinating and sleeping late I get tired and don't read a lot. And when I read I feel like I'm reading something foreign because I don't really know Jesus yet. And that makes me sad. In my dream life I'd practice and get to know my instrument better and get to the point that my private lesson teacher is at when everything makes sense and is in balance, and I can really make the colors shine out. In my dream life I'd be able to play syncopation at 208 beats per minute for 15 straight measures without screwing up in the first 2 measures. In my dream life I'd understand things, and also understand that some things aren't meant to be understood. In my dream life, I'd be at that perfect introversion-extraversion balance point. In my dream life I'd understand people. In my dream life I'd be familiar with drawing and painting, a familiarity that takes years and years to accumulate. I'd have a better relationship with my parents and sister. I'd know just what I should do and what is right. In my dream life, I'd be able to actually do things, not just sit there and think about it.

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