Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Humans are Highly Trained in the Art of Ignoring Things

Humans are highly trained in the art of ignoring things.
Ignoring things is a form of self protection
Because if you open yourself up to everything, you'll die
You'll literally die
With all of the problems of the world rushing at you

The people who just safely keep ignoring things blissfully and ignorantly
They have relatively safe and comfortable lives
They bar themselves in from all the things that can hurt them

Ignorance and apathy is a shield, built into people by default
But there are some people who just stop ignoring
Some people who just, their default, built-in emotional shield of ignorance broke.
And suddenly everything breaks through and connects with their souls
These people become so opened up
They become so sensitive
They acutely sense and feel everything and everyone
These are the people most in touch with beauty.

And the overwhelming feeling, the beauty, the awe, the vastness, the freedom
But also the sadness, the pain, the loss, the hurt
And it's swirling and confusing and evoking

And then you wonder how you're going to keep on living like that
Because the beauty, it hurts
It's too intense
It's too much
And then you try to capture it, but you can only for a moment if at all
It escapes, to be replaced by more

You know that things will never be the same
To back when you had a shield
Things just seemed so much simpler then
No, now you're exposed and you can see and feel, really feel
Sometimes you just wish you never had to deal with it all
But deep inside you know that it's better this way
Because now you can see the truth
You can feel the truth
The truth hurts

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